Saturday, August 20, 2011

Idyllic Summer Day

I am whiling this lovely summer day away as the DH sleeps away the effects of working graveyard shifts for the week.  Dog ( Kitsu) and I went to see Arlene the long arm quilter with some new pieces of work.  From there we wandered up where the Coast Guard moor their ships at Pat Bay, and went for a little stroll.  I found a lovely place on the beach with a massive tree stump, I mean as big as my car BIG.  (I drive a Buick.) It would be perfect to lay some quilts on and take a photo.  Across the road is an Anglican Church, whose name escapes me, and a little cemetery.  I would love to go and take some photos with quilts there.  Note to self, call the Bishops office and get permission as a courtesy. 
From here Kitsu and I went into Sidney, I got an ice cream cone and she got a dog treat, which was a pleasant surprise for her.  Upon arrival home, I set out the cutting mat on the patio table and trimmed down 5 quilts and binding.  Now just to sew up the binding.  Its great getting a bit more accomplished that you can visibly see.  I have a table (extra one) in my sewing room which the husband is thinking is going to break under the strain of all that is on it. Last night I took the batting, cut it down for three tops to be quilted, and put away from odds and ends which made the table top actually appear.  Now off to work on some scrap busting tops, not that I am seeing much of a dent in my scrap pile. 

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