Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life is looking up

The past two weeks I have been sick.  Such low energy that I didn't even want to quilt, let alone get out of bed and go to work.  The two days that I perked up I did a few small things for work and some quilt project finishing but soon succumbed to fever and fatigue.  I really hate being sick and unfortunately the bug that is going around work seems to like making a second appearance.  
turquoise HST blocks
Needless to say I am behind on my sermons, I usually work a week ahead and on my quilt project list. By now I had hoped to have the bloggers blockapalooza blocks made into a top, the HST in turquoise all together, and the single girl quilt pieces cut out along with the supernova blocks cut out, but .... no such luck.  I wonder how my father in law who will be coming to visit for a few days will feel if I tell him he is on his own for supper and entertainment cause I am locking myself in my quilt room?  Its probably too rude to do, but oh so tempting.....

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