Friday, December 31, 2010

Almost a New Year

Where has the year gone?  I woke up yesterday wondering how did the time go by so fast.  It just seemed like yesterday we were toasting in the New Year, had summer and now year end.  So over all it was an okay year.  Some things wrapped up nicely so new beginnings could start, other items will carry over to next year.  Quilting wise I completed a lot.  Like 32 projects, varying from baby quilts, throws, runners and pillow cases.  I still have way too much fabric despite (for one month at least) manicuring my stash and using up a grand total of 35 meters in a month.
Already I have my quilting outline for the new year and tomorrow, I will start on those things that I want to finish off in January.  I have a few UFO's from quite a few years ago now, that need to come out of storage and be done, rather than living in the dark under the stairs like Harry Potter did.  If I can get those all cleared up then I will feel pretty good.  My hope is to start scrapbooking more regularly.  I kind of took a break this year only doing 80 pages.  I guess I am allowed after completing more than 500 last year!  That is the difficult part, just giving yourself permission....
Happy New Year to everyone, and God bless you and yours. 

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