Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Green Cross Quilt

The sewing machine has been getting a good work out over the weekend as I finished two quilt tops and began another two.  The green cross quilt is simply that.  I am loosely following Jeni Bakers quilt pattern, for a cross quilt.

t is simple once you have everything cut and laid out in a pleasing to you manner. It also is one of those quilts that allows you to use up all that mid size scraps of fabric too.  I can see a few more of these quilts in my future as I try to whittle down the scraps that are growing in my basket.

As you can see I used shades of green and some brown to break things up.  I am currently about half way done piecing this quilt, making simple nine patches to makes up a row and sewing row to row.  Not sure if I need to add a bit more to it to make it a bit larger but we will see.

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